Sorry Girl! Put the blame on me..
Subhanallah.. I always pray to Allah s.w.t that He would gaive me the faith and patience to face all the challenges in my life.. And to you girl,, as a man I will take the first step. I will sacrifice just 4 you. Cos i think this is the only way so that our relationship will last long Insyallah. Girl,, I'm truly sorry if i had done anything wrong or made you 'cry'... Yesterday conversation with you made me realised something that How important LOVE and its own power.. Ini semua gerakan Dari Allah. We planned, but He will decide.. I'm really sorry sorry sorry sorry if I had done if shit! Pls accept my forgiveness cos I will accept ur forgiveness if you had hurt my feeling.. I tried to control yesterday but cant..Sorry girl.You can put all the blames on me.. And to my friends,, thank you for making me happy..You guys are lyke my siblings..Thank you my friend. And I always thankful to Allah for what He had given to me! I love Allah!